Sensex and Nifty were trading volatile on Tuesday, as bulls and bears engaged in a tug of war on Dalal Street. S&P BSE Sensex was sitting around 57,600 while the Nifty 50 index was holding above the 17,200 levels. Broader markets were deep in the red as smallcap indices on NSE fell more than 1%. Bank Nifty was down more than 0.50%. Amid this 164 stocks on the BSE and 49 on the NSE soared to fresh 52-week highs. These included newly listed Adani Wilmar, Jindal Stainless Limited, Reliance Infrastructure, and SIS limited.
52-week high and low on BSE
On the BSE, a total of 164 stocks were at their 52-week highs. ELGI Equipments, Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers, Jindal Stainless, and SIS were among the scrips that traded at their 52-week highs. Newly listed Adani Wilmar was also hit a high of Rs 261 per share after having opened at a discount to the IPO price. On the other hand, 24 stocks on the BSE were at their fresh 52-week low values. These included names such as HDFC Life, Indraprastha Gas, Jubilant Pharmova, Sansera Engineering, Solara Active Pharma, Lupin, and MRF.
52-week high and low on NSE
49 scrips trading on the NSE were at their fresh 52-week high values on Tuesday morning. DB Realty, Advani Hotels & Resorts (India) HEC Infraprojects, IL&FS Engineering, Jindal Poly Films, Jindal Stainless, Omaxe Limited, Reliance Infrastructure, HT Media Limited, and the newly listed Adani Wilmar were some of the stocks to hit 52-week highs. Meanwhile, 29 shares were at new lows. AstraZeneca Pharma India, Data Patterns (India), IOL Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, Lupin, Jubilant Pharmova, Schaeffler India, Take Solutions, Tega Industries, Vijaya Diagnostics, and Suryoday Small Finance Bank were some of the stocks that hit new 52-week lows.
Volume toppers
TCPL Packaging was the highest volume gaining stock on NSE. 3.18 lakh shares of the company moved between investors on NSE on which was 23.88 times the 1-week average. Madhya Bharat Agro Products Limited was the second most traded stock in terms of volume with 3.67 lakh shares exchanging hands — 17.22 times the 1-week average. Krishana Phoschem Limited, MM Forgings, and Johnson Controls – Hitachi Air Conditioning India were the other volume gainers.
from The Financial Express
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